Art, Education and Culture...
A collaboration of Solero Flamenco
San Jacinto College South and
the Consulate General of Spain in Houston

Highlights of the 2011 Houston Spanish
and Flamenco Festival

April 14th - 16th
Marie Spence Flickinger Fine Arts Center
San Jacinto College South

The 2011 Houston Spanish and Flamenco Festival offered workshops in cante,

guitarra, baile, percusión and castanets. During three days, participants from Houston

and the region engaged in interactive learning under the instruction of invited artists.

pilar workshops 1

Featured Artist Pilar Andújar and participants of the Intermediate/Advanced

Flamenco Dance Technique & Choreography Workshops



pilar workshops 3

pilar workshop proscenium



Introduction to Cante with Irma La Paloma

cante, guitar accomp snip


Guitar students explored accompaniment to cante por tangos.

introduction to flamenco guitar snip 1


Introduction to Flamenco Guitar with Professor Jeremías García


intro to flamenco guitar snip 2

Maestro Timo Lozano and participants of

Flamenco Dance Level One Workshop

timo workshops 1


Cuadro Communication 

cuadro communication 1


The Cuadro Communication Workshop brought together students of

cante, guitarra and baile for interactive cuadro sessions with Timo Lozano,

Irma La Paloma and Jeremías García.

cuadro communication 2

Castanets with Solangel Calix


castanets snip

Flamenco Cajón and Palmas with Timo Lozano


cajon and palmas snip


Flamenco for Kids!

snip flamenco for kids 1

Castanets, cajón, palmas, smiles and giggles!

flamenco for kids 2


Thanks to all participants and instructors! We look forward to continuing to provide

quality educational opportunities in all levels and disciplines of flamenco.


Irma La Paloma and Jeremías García

2011 HSFF Directors

All photographs are copyrighted and may not be reproduced without consent.

Photo Credits: Andrea Vazquez, SJCS

Lorie Garcia, Studio 4d4


More festival highlights to come...


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